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The fall months bring with them pumpkin everything: Pumpkin coffee creamers, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin beers, pumpkin bread, and so many other pumpkin-ized things that we embrace even before September rolls around. A wide variety of companies and brands have chosen to cash-in on the pumpkin craze that has struck more than just the United States, and that you see more and more pumpkin items in stores during the month of August let alone in October and November speaks to how popular those foods have become. It should thus come as no surprise that there is a market out there for pumpkin-flavored Oreo cookies.
Pumpkin-flavored cookies do not represent the only time that Oreo has chosen to release what would be referred to as a seasonal treat. Candy Cane Oreos can be found in certain grocery stores even before the Halloween candy and decorations have been sold at a discount or put away for good. Candy cane flavors and Christmas time go together about as perfectly as do, well, pumpkin stuff and the fall season. Not only is there nothing weird about an Oreo cookie having a little peppermint flavoring to it as the first snowflakes of the holiday season fall to the ground. The holiday treat could be considered to be comforting and even a throwback dessert of sorts.
Then there are the Oreo flavors that many could do without, swing-and-a-miss attempts of taking a good thing in a standard Oreo and adding touches that are not necessary. This includes a different fall flavor that is, for some younger Oreo fans, the least-desired Halloween taste that exists. There are also sweeter versions of Oreos that may leave you wondering just what Nabisco was shooting for when that idea was mentioned during a meeting, accepted as a positive notion, put into production and then sold on shelves. No company gets everything right, I suppose.
10. Caramel Apple
Via thatflourchild.com
This is one of the more reasonable Oreo flavors that you will find on this list and out in stores. It is a seasonal flavor similar to pumpkin and others that are put out there as summer turns to fall, and it would not be out of place at a Halloween party. Consumers have been sold on other caramel apple products such as lollipops and hard candy, and those sound no worse than what you would find in a Caramel Apple Oreo. The one thing that may turn you off once you open the packaging is that the outside of these Oreos kinda/sorta look like a penny. Ew.
9. Banana Split
Via columbiaspectator.com
One person you can trust to offer solid reviews of such items like a Banana Split Oreo would be the Junk Food Guy, and he did just that back in 2013. These Oreos look just plain weird in that they are made up of two different cookies and that there are two different fillings in between those cookies. The appearance of the Oreo may cross your eyes up a bit, but banana split flavoring that is not super-sweet sandwiched between two cookies could make for a delicious treat. What could really go all that wrong with a chocolate-strawberry-banana flavor combination?
8. Berry Burst Ice Cream
Via flickr.com
Take a journey around the Internet, and you will find plenty of mixed reviews for the Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos. Some have referred to these Oreos as being “rather tasty” or even the “Best. Oreo. Ever.” Others, however, disagreed with those assessments, instead offering these types of reviews: “These cookies are N-A-S-T-Y!!! They honestly taste JUST like Pepto Bismol.” “The aftertaste makes me sick. Just thinking about them makes me nauseated.” “Those comparing them to Flintstone vitamins are crazy those vitamins were the best these Oreos make me sick.” Maybe you will arrive somewhere in the middle if you ever review these Oreos.
7. Creamsicle
Via the-holidaze.blogspot.com
It's Creamsicle. It's Oreo. There is no way that these are not great, right? That depends on what you are looking for in a Creamsicle Oreo. Multiple reviews on the Creamsicle Oreo are positive, but they make a similar claim. These cookies do not have the Creamsicle flavoring you have experienced in the past. Fat Guy Food Blog wrote the following: “Are these good? Absolutely. Are they Creamsicle flavored? Not really.” The Impulsive Buy posted flat out that this Oreo “doesn't taste like a Creamsicle.” That the reviews were nevertheless in favor of these treats may lead you to search for them online or at a local market.
6. Coconut Delight Fudge Cremes
Via foodettereviews.com
Perhaps the most entertaining description of/review for Coconut Delight Oreos came from The Impulsive Buy back in 2012: “Meet the cookie I am sure Guantanamo Bay serves to its residents.” Oh but wait. There is more where that comes from: “They do have a coconut-ish flavor. They are delightful, if you enjoy getting punched in the stomach. They are not Oreos. They are indeed fudgy, if waxy chocolate is the definition for fudge. They are not creamy or creme-mey. I could leave it at that and you would know all there is to know about these cookies.” Yikes.
5. Limeade
Via the-holidaze.blogspot.com
You have to give Nabisco credit. The company has realized that it can make Oreo cookies go viral by introducing new flavors at different points of the year. One such occurrence took place in 2014 when the Internet blew up with stories of Limeade Oreo cookies hitting grocery stores. Some users on social media websites such as Twitter suggested that things had gone too far and that these new flavors for Oreos had finally jumped the shark. Others who have sipped on the tasty beverage, particularly during the summer months, probably jumped at the opportunity to grab Limeade Oreos.
4. Root Beer Float
Via the-holidaze.blogspot.com
If you are anything like me and you enjoyed mixing and matching root beer float flavors when you hit up your local ice cream shop as a youngster, Root Beer Float Oreos are something that you at least would be interested in trying. Truth be told, those of you who have only used vanilla ice cream for your root beer floats don't know what you've been missing. In a list filled with unique flavors that may put a look of confusion on your face, root beer float flavoring being added to an Oreo not only makes sense. This may end up being a personal favorite of yours.
3. Watermelon
Via youtube.com
You may, depending on where you live, find that you don't have to travel far to find a Watermelon Oreo, as this cookie has been spotted in stores located in the United States. These cookies have even received positive reviews from some. The green coloring inside of the cookie may turn you off at first, and those who are expecting to taste fresh watermelon on that first bite will likely be disappointed. If, however, you are looking for a summer treat that is different than what you will find inside of the frozen food section at a local store, a Watermelon Oreo may be for you.
2. Grape and Peach
Via isidorsfugue.com
There are all kinds of flavor combinations out there that make sense and that have over time become part of society. Chocolate and vanilla, peanut butter and jelly, bacon and...more bacon. Come to think of it, an Oreo that was filled with a bacon flavoring actually sounds delicious and much better than a cookie that is 50 percent grape and 50 percent peach. Somewhere out there is a consumer who, as a young one, mixed together grape and peach flavorings to come up with his new favorite dessert. There is an Oreo out there for you, friend, and here's hoping you find it.
1. Green Tea Ice Cream
Via ephemeraanddetritus.com
Somewhere out there exists a Starbucks fan who loves his/her daily lattes and who would jump at the chance of buying Green Tea Ice Cream Oreos if they were to become available worldwide. If/when the day comes when those cookies make their debut in your market, be ready for a taste sensation that may surprise you if you are only used to eating standard Oreos. Those of you who have in the past enjoyed an actual green tea ice cream may find that this is your new favorite cookie. Not feeling adventurous? Leave these Oreos on the shelf in that case.
Sources: columbiaspectator.com, blog.food.com, kotaku.com