Chewbacca Actor Gets His Lightsaber Taken by TSA

August 2024 · 1 minute read

Peter Mayhew, the tall actor who portrayed Chewbacca in the original Star Wars films, had a little run-in with airport security this week. At 7′ 2″ and the age of 69, Mayhew needs a cane to walk. Instead of a wooden or metal cane, Mayhew’s opts for a cane modeled after the film’s lightsaber.

Before boarding a flight to Dallas earlier this week, Mayhew had his lightsaber cane confiscated by the US Transportation Security Adminstration (TSA) at Denver International Airport, where he was in town for the Denver Comic Con. He took to Twitter to vent his frustration.

“Giant man need giant cane.. small cane snap like toothpick…. besides.. my light saber cane is just cool.. I would miss it…” he charged. He eventually got his cane back, sadly not after threatening to wrangle the wrath of the force or the dark side or anything like that at te TSA. “Magic words to TSA are not “please” or “thank you”.. It’s “Twitter”.. cane released to go home..,” he shared with his 23,000 followers.

Wookie don’t play.
