Culvers offering Curderburger for National Cheese Curd Day on Oct. 15 WSOC TV

July 2024 · 2 minute read

Culver’s April Fool’s joke was so good, fans clamored for a sandwich that never really existed. Until now.

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The Wisconsin-based restaurant chain is offering a Curderburger on Oct. 15, which is National Cheese Curd Day, WTMJ reported.

The meal is a traditional butterburger, except it contains a massive fried cheese curd patty in the middle. The patty consists of blended yellow and white cheddar cheese curds surrounded by breadcrumbs, the television station reported.

After the April 1 prank, which was announced by the restaurant’s social media team, calls for the bogus burger heated up, WDJT reported. A petition on has already received more than 600 signatures.

“A cruel April Fool’s joke perpetrated on a world that has suffered enough over the last year,” the petition reads. “Therefore, I humbly request, nay demand, that Culver’s produce and sell the Curderburger to help heal a wounded nation.

The Curderburger will retail for a suggested price of $5.79, according to The Capital Times of Madison.

Quinn Adkins, Culver’s director of menu development, said there was so much interest on social media about the Curderburger idea that the company began thinking about how to turn that hoax into a menu item, the website reported.

Adkins said he wanted the Curderburger to be more than a media stunt, according to The Capital Times. The result is a deluxe burger with a “cheese crown.”

Also on National Cheese Curd Day, customers who got to taste the Curderburger will have the chance to win a special edition T-shirt, WTMJ reported. Consumers only need to take a photograph of themselves with the burger -- or the receipt -- and email it to by Oct. 22, the television station reported.
