When protagonist Neveah, played by Kylie Jefferson, receives a scholarship to attend the Archer School of Ballet, she is seen as competition.
In episode one, she is late to her first class with the terrifying Mr. Brooks. The ballet master gives the newcomer a hard time over her attire and shoes, providing the character with a chance to bond with Shane. Portrayed by Brennan Clost, Shane is an openly gay dancer with a secret and one-liners for days.
Neveah And Shane Bond In The Barre Dancing Scene In ‘Tiny Pretty Things’
“Neveah and Shane’s relationship is honestly my favorite friendship on the show,” Jefferson said.
“She looks at him, like ‘what the f**k,’ and he’s like ‘Don’t even, don’t even, girl,’” Clost says of Neveah’s glancing at Shane after Mr. Brooks’ comments.
When one friendship starts, another, not as positive relationship, begins.
That first scene where the whole class is doing exercises at the barre is also when Neveah meets her nemesis Bette, played by Casimere Jollette.
“Did you see that dirty look that Neveah and I shared?” Jollette said rewatching the moment.
Clost was in awe of Jollette’s turn as Bette.
“Cas just has so much fun, she leans into the bitchiness so well and [there is] just this little head bobble that she does,” Clost said.
‘Tiny Pretty Things’ Kicks Off With A Murder
An adaptation of the young adult novel of the same name by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton, Tiny Pretty Things premiered on December 14, 2002, to mixed reviews.
The series kicks off with a murder mystery element when ballet student Cassie is pushed from a rooftop by an unidentified attacker. As Cassie’s place at the school becomes available, Neveah is able to attend the prestigious school — and is immediately ostracized by Bette.
A professional ballet dancer, Jollette had to play down as Bette in order to be critiqued by Mr. Brooks.
“That scene is always so funny because Casimere, who plays Bette, is actually a stunning turner,” co-star Daniela Norman said.
"During dance rehearsals, we had to practice me being able to turn badly specifically for this scene,” Jollette said.
Tiny Pretty Things is streaming on Netflix