Ulysses Bridgeman
Net worth $240,000,000 Source of Wealth Basketball , President of Bridgeman Foods LLC.Ulysses Bridgeman's net worth is $240 Million. He remains as one of the most successful African-Americans today in America.
He was born in Chicago in 1953 and always had an amazing knack for basketball. In fact, Ulysses Bridgeman has led his basketball team for their first state championship.
He is really tall at 6'5″ and spent 12 long years with the LA Lakers, where he scored 11,517 career points.
He invested the money that he had made into franchises, mainly Wendy's food chains. Today Ulysses owns 160 Wendy's, and over 118 Chili's restaurants. This is not all.
Ulysses Bridgeman is also on the board of the PGA. In addition, he owns a stake in the Milwaukee soda's Black Bear Beverages.